I really should post more.

Hello everyone! Sorry for never posting. I'd like to say i've been busy, but I've really just been too lazy to write up blog posts. 

I've been doodling a lot, but I haven't really come up with too many things that are actually good. 


I made a pixel art of a picture I drew for a tutorial. Oh! Perhaps I should post that here! 

It's a tutorial on how I color. It was fun to make. I sadly didn't get the best quality with my camera though on some of the pictures. 


I really hope you can zoom in on that. The page is huge... xD If it doesn't get bigger, someone please tell me... Unless it already is big and it's only small when i'm typing out my entry... Oh well. 



Chibi Alice doodle! This was the first picture I drew in my new chibi style. I love drawing chibis even more now. xD 


I drew Skyla and Fenrir a while ago. This picture's kinda old, but it's still good.

I was feeling kinda down when I drew it. Sometimes, I swear I draw better than normal when i'm sad... 

Anyhoo. I think that's all the art i've got for now. I'm drawing some of the antagonists for my story at the moment. I'll finish that someday I hope. Depends on how lazy I am. 

Bye for now~





