Been drawing a lot today...

Hello there~ 

I did a lot of drawing today.  I wasn't in the best of moods, and drawing is good therapy. 

So first... 

f:id:Southpawed_Skypirate:20140529121609p:plain I got a Haircut. xD It's so wonderful... I look like a dude now, but whatever. Fine by me. 

That was kind of a quick sketch. It only took me an hour or so. 


f:id:Southpawed_Skypirate:20140529121704p:plain I tried doing another pixel art. This is my second try. I'm not TERRIBLE, but I could improve I think. 

That's my arting for the day. I hope you all like it. 

One last thing, i'm going on vacation tomorrow, so I won't be around for a while. I'll catch you all later. -w- 

Stay classy,

