
So the other day... 

My sister was playing video games. I was internetting and I came across a picture of Gollum. I thought it was pretty funny... And her computer is right next to mine... And she wasn't there... 

So I did this! 



She thought it was pretty funny too. Funny enough that she left it there for a little while. 

The main reason it got changed was because my other sister(#2) saw it today and had a better idea. 


And at this point, Sister #2 was pretty proud of herself. 


She went ahead... 

f:id:Southpawed_Skypirate:20131105113715j:plainAnd changed mine as well.

Alright, this is war. You all might be seeing more of this. If it bores you, you don't have to read it. I'm not forcing you. It might very well get creative, so enjoy if you want. 

And that's all this time. 

Bye for now~♪

