30 Day Pokemon Challenge: Day 2

Day two: Draw your favorite pokemon of all time. That's a Vulpix in case you can't tell. VULPIX IS MY FAVORITE EVER!!!

30 Day Pokemon Challenge: Day 1

Day one: Draw yourself as a pokemon trainer. Well, this is me as a trainer! Whaddya'll think? (Whaddya'll?) DAY ONE COMPLETE!

30 Day Pokemon Challenge

I found this while browsing Pintrest. It seems like fun. Feel free to do it if you want to. So, if I don't get too lazy or busy, I should post one a day. Time for me to draw!

RP With DeAnna :3

Kay, first off, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG! I'll try and respond faster next time. I'm hoping that if you click this the tone will show up properly. I'll have to check after I post. Anyhoo- Here it is!

This week, the trend: Nightcore

So, i'm starting a new thing: Music of the week! This week is Nightcore thanks to my best friend in the whole wide world, Carly. Nightcore: Infinity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8SuPc9Y948 Nightcore: Skyfall http://www.youtube.com/watch…

Progress: Art request for my Skysailers :3

I have been trying really hard to color this, but it hasn't been working. I'm gonna try to color it on my computer, but I just wanted you to know that I have been trying.


Oh. My. Goodness. I just googled "Aurinko Gable" and all of my pages showed up on the top. xD I feel famous!! I don't know why i'm telling you this. I just sorta am. Anyhoo, back to drawing requests. I've been a bit busy and lazy recently,…

Role Play!!

Oh. My. Gosh. I AM SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK! And it's pretty much all dialog! Sorry for all that... I didn't wanna take up fifty pages. Hopefully it made sense! I hope you like my pictures :3 GO! FOR THE GOODWILL OF ALL THE LAND! xD

RP With DeAnna :D

Okay, number one, I hope you like my pictures. :3 Number two, I hope it makes sense~ Number 3, Sorry my backgrounds suck. I really need practice. Number 4, sorry I took so long. Make sure you fill in the places where Shiro is supposed to g…

DeAnna's art request: Shiro

Two requests in one day? Oh M goodness! I am on fire! Critisism? I know it's not perfect, but whaddya think?

Ahoy, DeAnna!

Hello DeAnna! So, anyhoo- You said you wanted to RP sometime, so I was thinking, why don't you start the RP? Here, lemme getcha a panel... I'm pretty sure you can copy and paste that. Will this do? Do you even want to start it? Do you even…

Oreck's Art Request: Snowfall

Okay, Oreck! I've finished drawing Snowfall! I didn't know the colors of everything, but I wanted to show you my progress. What do you think? You can tell me honestly, I don't mind your answer. :D If you tell me/ show me the colors, I'll c…

The list as of now-

Okay everybody, this is the list of who's in line for a request. If you still want me to draw something but didn't get the chance to tell me, don't worry! I'll add you to the list if you tell me your request. Anyhoo, here we go! Oreck: Sno…

Art requests?

Okay. I'm sitting here bored. Anyone want me to draw them anything? Few things first: Comment your request, (if you have one) I will tell you if it's possible for me to draw, (There's some cases where I can't, for example, I don't know wha…


Hello again everyone! I appologize for the inactivity. I've been a bit busy, but i've had artist's block anyway, so not like I could draw anything... Anyhoo, I drew two of my OCs for my story, Skysail. Skyla and Fenrir ♥

Art request: Hatsune Miku

Sorry this took forever. AND IT'S NOT EVEN COLORED!?! I might color it later, but i'm feeling rather lazy, thus why this took a while. Plus, my artist's block hasn't quite gone away, so it didn't turn out good. Anyhoo, here's your Miku!

Day five

So, I've been drawing all day again. I thought you might want to see one of the pictures I drew! Or maybe not, but either way, i'll post it! More chibi Pokemon! This one is Charizard in case you couldn't tell. :3 Anyhoo, that's all for tod…

Day four

Today is the fourth day of this blog! If you haven't checked out my other entries, feel free to do so. :) If you already have, you deserve cake! But the cake is a lie... So today... I tried drawing for a few hours, but nothing was working!…


If you liked my art, check out my best friend's page! She's got some really phenominal artwork that I really suggest you see. :D http://nightwish.hatenablog.com/ There's her blog! Enjoy! -Aurinko

Wolf Aurinko ♪♫♪

So one day... I got bored in math class. (Who doesn't?) So I started drawing all over my homework! I scanned one of the pictures and I thought you might like to see. I erased all the math and enlarged it. It's Aurinko as a wolf. :3 Anyhoo,…

Day three

Hello there! Thank you for checking out my blog. :D If you have already looked at my artwork, then you are amazing! Many thanks to you! Anyhoo, I've been trying to draw, but I've got a bit of artists block... Well, i'll post a picture I dr…

Day two

Good day everyone! This is day two of this blog! I have been drawing all day. I literally haven't gotten up from my computer for eight hours. It's been worth it though I suppose. Here's what I came up with~ I've sorta improved I'd say. Wha…


Another OC. She's really fun to draw!

Skyla and Fenrir

Two more of my OCs. This picture isn't the best, but I thought I should post it anyway. I hope you like it!

Aurinko and Michael

Two of my OCs, Aurinko and Michael. (He's also known as Mica, so you'll see it either way.) Small explanation: Aurinko is part wolf and Mica is an inventor. (Thus the metal wings.) Just thought you might want to know that. Anyhoo, that's a…

Aurinko Gable

Good day! My name is Aurinko! This is my first post to this blog, so I thought I might write a bit about myself. Here goes nothing~ My hobbies include listening to music, drawing, and writing. I'll give you some details on that below. ♪♫♪ …
